About two years ago I lost 50 pounds with the Stimulock System. Which is awesome, but what comes with weight loss, or gain for that matter, is hormone changes. My hormones went crazy causing me to have sensitive skin and cray-zay break outs. I tried all the face products out there, and none, I mean zero, of them worked.
So I went to the one place I knew would have the answer to my problem, pinterest of course, and I wasn't let down. I found a lovely post about coconut oil face wash.That was about six months ago and I am still loving it to this day! My face is breakout free, except for that pesky once a month thing, and moisturized, and my "early" wrinkles that were starting to show are no longer on my face.
Here's my Night / Day Routine.
Get a clean washcloth and put it under the faucet and let hot water run on it.
Take as little or as much coconut oil as you want in your finger (I use about a quarter size)
Warm the coconut oil up in your hands
Rub it all over your face. Close your eyes and rub it over your eyelids to get eye makeup off.
Turn the hot water off. CAREFULLY ring out the hot water from the wash cloth (this can burn so we cautious of how hot your water gets)
Keep your face down and place the hot rag on your face for 5-10 seconds. Then gently rub off your makeup and extra oil.
***some will be left behind and will act as a night time moisturizer.
Splash cold water onto face to to shrink pores and wake up your skin for the day.
(for real...that's it)
Some people like to use the coconut oil in the mornings as well. I have naturally oily skin, so I just use water in the mornings.
You can always add DoTerra essential oils to your coconut oil face wash if you want, or brown sugar to make it a face scrub as well. Lots of options to choose from.
There are a TON of benefits to not only using coconut oil on your skin, but also using it to cook, clean, etc.
I love to oil pull with coconut oil. I'll tell you all about that next time!
Bye Yall!
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