JW and I grabbed our fishing poles, tackle box, and stink bait. Went to Wal-Mart to get our fishing license, and headed to the Kansas River with high hopes of catching a ton of fish.

With each cast, I slowly began to wonder if there were even fish where we were. Cast, after cast, after cast, and no luck. My line gets caught on a rock here, an underwater root there, and finally I decided that we, by no means, had the proper equipment to be fishing in a body of water with a current this strong.
You see, JW and I are use to fishing in a small creek, family pond, or still water lake...not this raging, rushing water that the Kansas River holds. Our poles were tiny, with eight pound line, and our hooks were small enough for the big daddy catfish to eat right off of and never get snagged by.

After about the tenth time of my line getting caught, I sit down and let JW take over. He gets extra excited when he realizes he has a fish. He used every amount of energy he had to reel in that fish.
Needless to say, it just wasn't our day. So we went to Wal-Mart, and Cabela's, and found us some new thicker poles, forty pound line, and better hooks. We just know that next time we will catch enough for dinner. Or at least we hope we do.
Bye y'all
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