"I'm feeling lost today."
Its not an every day thing, its just like a quarterly thing, so I average one of these days around four times a year...to me that is normal...right?
So I updated my status to - "I'm feeling lost today." and then I scroll down through my news feed and I see where my cousin Lindsay has updated her status to -
"I find I am the most discontent with my life, when the Focus is on me instead of Christ."
A lightbulb turned on in my head. She is so right. These quarterly moods, that throw me into a down slop feeling, are normally times where I am focused on me. Sure during those times I wonder if I am traveling down the right path in life, or if I have veered off in the wrong direction, but ten times out of ten, God always shows me that I am right where He wants me to be.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10
In these quarterly moods, I need to remind myself that Satan loves, and lives to suck the joy out of my life, he loves to tear me down, to make me feel useless, and try to make me believe I am a no body. But Jesus desires to give me an abundant amount of joy, because of Him I, we, have purpose, and because of Him I, we, are somebody, and that somebody is a world changer.
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