Pin It simply southern: February 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Holy Spirit Conference

Excited about the next 3 days and having the Enloes here!!

Holy Spirit Rain Down!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

No Longer A Bachelorette...and Thankful

I've been diligently watching, every Monday, the show The Bachelor. Maybe you've heard of it.

My favorite by far is Kasey B., Love Love Love her. She is so sweet, and pretty, and just someone I would  love for Ben to pick. However, I've overheard, and read that he doesn't choose her.

He chooses the villain herself....Courtney.


She seems so mean, and rude, and cold hearted, and arrogant, and just someone I would NOT want Ben to end up with.

But, I had to give Ben, and Courtney, the benefit of the doubt, because well, I don't know them personally.

ABC, as we can all watch, knows how to get their ratings up, and keep them up, and who would want to watch a show where everyone is all hunky dory, sitting in a huge circle, braiding each others no. We love to watch the show because we love to NOT like someone like Courtney.

Either way, I'll continue to watch, and wish Ben all the happiness in the world...all I can say is Good Luck.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So Umm....

As you know, I just graduated from College this past December, and have been fiercely looking for a job. Well I went for an interview at YMCA, such a great place to work if you are wanting to work your way up, and I got the job. So I don't turn all my info into HR until this coming Monday, and so that means I don't get free membership until then. So...needless to say....

I haven't worked out AT ALL this week, and because the lack of motivation in working out, I haven't been eating very good.

Next week I HAVE to do better. I WANT, NEED, DESIRE, to lose 40lbs by June!!

Some weeks are bad weeks, whats important is to dust your napkin off, and get back on that treadmill.