Pin It simply southern: 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I promised you design, so here are some photos that inspire me, while decorating our home. 

Being from a small town in Arkansas, you can guess already that they are southern, shabby, antique, feel. 

There is nothing I don't like about this room!

This would be amazing in a small half bath. 

I have a lot of old suitcases, this would be cool to do when family comes over to share old photos.

I am in the process of completely recreating this look in our spare bedroom, except with a full size bed.

Love this. Just got a super cool lamp for my bedside table for Christmas, and I have that fan, the jar, and the books. All I need now is some old frames, and this will be my bedside look. 

Our headboard is one single door turned sideways, and I love it! Fits a King bed perfectly!
This idea of getting the Shabby Chic look is to gather together all things, cream, tan, light brown, and white. Then throw in a pop of color here and there. Nothing really has to match (which is great), so that way everything can be perfectly....imperfect. 

Which is a great blog to check out for shabby chic decor. 

Gut Feeling

Christmas Eve came around, and I began to become EXTREMELY sad that I wasn't with my family, and by extremely sad I mean, the ugly cry. I got so sad that we left chilies after not even eating, packed up our clothes and presents in five minutes flat, and headed to the gas station.

All the while, I knew in  my spirit that we didn't need to go. I had this deep feeling that we needed to stay here in Kansas City this Christmas, and to be honest, I was pretty upset with myself for making such a huge deal out of leaving. 

I felt like a fool, and an embarrassment all wrapped up into one. Pretty much a hot mess burrito. So I apologized to my husband, I apologized to my family, I apologized to my pastor (I told him we wouldn't be at church), and I kept apologizing to my husband. <- He's such a good man. 

We came home, unpacked, baked cookies, gave Bentley a haircut, and watched a Christmas movie. Then we called all of JW's cousins and told them we were having a game night at our house on Christmas night, and they all HAD to come. 

So Christmas night comes, and everyone came. We played tons of games until midnight. Then something amazing happened. We started talking about God. JW's cousins were not raised in church, they are great people, but with out Christ, is being absent from Christ, and all of His blessings. We were up talking about all things God until 3:00am. 

There was a moment in the middle of our three hour conversation, that I realized, this is the entire reason I got the gut feeling, not to go to Texas. I felt so happy that I listened to the Holy Spirits nudge in my heart that day. 

I don't know if any of his cousins and their kids, and boyfriend/girlfriends gave their heart to God later that night, but I do know, that it was a definite seed. 

The entire experience was even better when they were leaving, and they said lets hang out again Wednesday night. (To anyone that is in ministry and your family is not, you know why this made us feel so great.) We were so excited they didn't feel "preached" at. They brought up the subject of God, they were asking the questions, they were at full attention for three hours, and I pray that their hearts were softened, and even accepting to God. 

JW and I talked after they left, and I just kept telling him that I wanted to make a huge effort, while speaking with them about God, that God is love. He calls us to love, He doesn't call us to judge, and point fingers, He calls us to love, and to share His love with others. I feel as though so many "non-Christians" feel that all Christians do, is judge, and I wanted to make that very clear, that there was no judgement on them, through us. That we love them, God loves them, and ultimately has an extraordinary plan for each of their lives. 

Listen to the nudge of the Holy Spirit. He will never lead you in the wrong direction. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Just to know...

Just to know something so big, came in such a small package.
Just to know a King that deserves treasures, was born in a manger. 
Just to know He who holds the world in His hands, yearns to have your heart. 
Just to know all power is His, but freewill He gives.
Just to know we've done nothing worthy of His love, yet He loves us more than we could ever imagine.  
Just to know the sacrifice He gave on Calvary that day.
Just to know He beat death, and rose again.
Just to know He is coming back soon.
Just to know the power of His love, how it heals hearts, opens eyes, and makes the lame walk.
Just to know His amazing grace washes away our sin.
Just to know all of this, is to know everything worth knowing.
-Kayla Hall

big 24

JW's birthday is tomorrow, and I have been wracking my brain to come up with the PERFECT birthday. I've already given him his gift, surround sound, and he loved it, but I want to plan out an amazing day packed full of fun stuff he would love to do.... This is what I have so far:

( Needless to say, I haven't gotten very far)
I know obviously some of those empty times will be getting ready, and driving. But what can we do with those five hours between lunch and dinner? I don't want it to be like a normal day of us trying to pull out of the other one, what they are wanting to do. I want it to be planned, and smooth, and perfect! I want it to be THE best birthday. I'm going to leave him some little notes around the house to find...

(here's one of them)

All of that is so true, he is a great man, an amazing husband, will be SUCH a good dad (one day), and he is my all time best friend.

So for now, that is all I have planned, and it will be all I have planned until I can get off here and start searching some more. Merry Christmas everyone, be sure to remember the true reason for this holiday!

Bye Y'all

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"The Best Part Of Waking Up...

"The Best Part Of Waking Up...

       Is Folgers In Your Cup"

A number of years ago, Folger Coffee somehow stumbled upon this amazing house and chose it to be the home on their old coffee can, and the place to film their commercial. There is something beautiful about a big red house, with tons of windows, on a winter day, and the icy lake doesn't hurt its appeal at all. I could imagine myself sitting on a big comfy couch with a cup of hot coffee (Folgers no doubt), in front of a big fire place roaring coming from the burnt longs, our baby grand piano placed perfectly in front of a corner window, an amazing kitchen, room for the whole family to come and cook together, raising kids that will love to fish and hunt, Oh I can just see it now. I wonder how much it will go for next time its up for sale. I think last time it went for close to 1.5 million, that's just pocket change right? No. A girl can dream though. So until I become a millionaire, I'll just keep this picture and dream. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

southern belle

I had such a good time today with my friend Brooke...We got some great helps that she is over the top beautiful! 

I'm thinking of starting a small side photography business...what do you think?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Giving Thanks

Its that time of year again where the turkey sales skyrocket, and everyones greatest fear is that they won't be able to find the spice they need to make their stuffing perfect.

Last night our church had their annual Thanksgiving Dinner, and I was impressed. I say that because potlucks are NOT my thing, but it was well organized, only four or six ladies made turkeys, and brought desserts, and believe it or not its taste wasn't half bad either.

Holidays for most bring out their best. Best food, best clothes, best attitudes, but for others, its a time that saddens them, because it brings to memory their loved ones that won't be by their side this year, or they simply just won't be able to see their family.

I am at a cross road myself. I get to surprise my mom for Thanksgiving, so that is very exciting, but because we are youth pastors we have to be here in Kansas City for Christmas day. Meaning, no family on Christmas. JW's family lives here, and we will hopefully get to see them, but this will be my first Christmas not seeing my mom...ever.

Three words...its gonna suck.

Unfortunately the only way "I'll be home for Christmas" will only be "in my dreams"

So that is why I decided that that is my Christmas song for the year.

"I'll be home for Christmas"

"if only in my dreams"

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!! Be thankful for all you have this never know if its the last!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Even Before

I've been thinking today a lot about the goodness of God today.

Since November began I thought to myself, "why not tweet/facebook one thing I am thankful for everyday this month?!" Me being me, I thought, What a great, original idea! Well, I apparently wasn't as intelligent and original a I thought I was, because a few days later, I was reading through the news feed, and EVERYONE was doing it.

JW said I started the trend, I say great minds think alike.

Either way, I am glad people are trying to bring some light to this, often depressing world, by being thankful for something everyday, and voicing their blessings over twitter and facebook.

Today I tweeted - ‎#7 Thankful for an amazing God. Who loved me, and believed in me, before I even knew who He was.

I mean...HOW TRUE IS THAT? How often to we just stick out our hands and say God, give me, give me, give me, instead of raising our hands and saying God, Thank you, You are So worthy. 

We as Christians need to, all of us, me included, redirect our hand motion and learn to thank God more, in the good and the bad times. 

Yesterdays Rake & Bake event was in one word....phenomenal.... We met so many new people, and got to, hopefully, bless people that needed to be blessed in the simplest form, by raking their yard. 

I can't begin to express the LOVE my heart feels when I have the opportunity to help people. I'm tear up just talking about it. From the least deserving, to the most, from the homeless, to the abundantly blessed people, I LOVE to help. 

Okay enough about me.

God is so good! I just know that He did such a huge work in all of their lives yesterday. I can't wait to hear the kingdom stories one day.

Have a good day y'all. Be thankful, and blessed today...for everything, BIG and small.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Baking Up A Storm

This coming Sunday our church, Village West Family Church, is having an out reach event called Rake & Bake. We are going to a local neighborhood and knocking on doors and asking people if they would like for us to rake their yards, no strings attached.

The concept seems a little crazy I know, in fact most of the older men and women in our church agreed with this fact, and snickered at the announcement.

My question is though, why can't it work? How many people would love to have someone just come right along and rake their yard NO STRINGS ATTACHED and hand them some delish baked good? (at least I know my muffins are delish)

Single moms, they don't have time.
Elderly couples, they don't have the strength.
"Normal Families", maybe they just don't want to.

That's where we come into play.
We do it for them with a smile on our face, and a prayer in our heart, that God will speak to them through this outreach.

Recently, I haven't spoken to anyone about this, but I have been having an inner struggle with my walk with God. Nothing has happened to bring this struggle about, but I have to constantly check myself to make sure what I am doing is pleasing to God. The urges to do, say, and think things that I shouldn't have been constantly knocking at my door. Because of these struggles, I have not been reading my Bible, I have been leaving church services early, I have been avoiding spending time with God even in prayer.

I have realized this, and I know that this is common, every Christian struggles at times, and I am praying that I am close to the end of this struggle. Satan has came at me full force, and that only makes me realize one thing....God is up to something, and Satan is scared.

I'm honored really, but it has been a tough last 3-4 months. I have never, like most of our church staff, had to fight harder for my salvation, ministry, and family. I know God has huge things up His sleeve, and He desires to use me, but first my heart, mind, and spirit, must be in harmony with His, or He will not be able to use me.

This morning I woke up and started baking muffins for the R&B out reach event, and I listened to Living On The Edge Daily Broadcast, and then I sat down, paused the message and began to sing...Lead Me To The Cross. I got to the chorus, and sang rid me of myself---I belong to you---and I broke down because that is exactly what I need God to do....Rid me of MYSELF. I belong to Him...My soul purpose, the reason my heart beats is to live for, and bring glory to God, and I can't do that if I am constantly caught up in myself.

God You are so amazing. You speak to me even when I am so far away from you. Rid me of myself today Lord, I belong to you, I want to be used by you. Clean my heart, forgive me where I have failed you these past few months, help me put on my armor of God and fight off the temptations of this world.

I love you, I love you, I love you, You are amazing, and there is no one like you. Take me, Mold me into the woman of God you want me to be, and become, speak to me, correct me where I need to be correct, be my way-maker through this time of trial and temptation.

I love you God. Rid me of myself, I belong to you, and only you.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I recently joined a new website called and I have to say, I'm a little bit addicted.

If you are not on it, or have not heard of it, look it up!

It's this fun filled site with tons of DIY ideas, fitness ideas, yummy recipes, and lots of stuff you will be sure to covet over and just die to make!

I recently made a "pie plate" I saw on there out of an old glass plate, and a candle stick holder. I spray painted the plate black, and then pulled out my trusty hot glue gun, and glued it to the bottom and now it sits by my sink with my dish soap, and sponge on it!

Trust me...DIYer's will have a mouth watering experience for sure!


Its been a while since my last post so I will get you caught up.

I turned 23 a month ago today...yay me. My Mom and sister came this past weekend to hang out and I took some incredible pictures of my little nephew....:)

I am crazy busy with school, I graduate in 50ish days...I can not wait...I am SO OVER school...but since graduation, college graduation, is upon me, the question "what am I going to do" is a constant one I ask myself.

The truth.

I have no idea, and it scares the mess out of me. I feel deep down that I am made for more that just some 9-5 job, or part time job holder, I was made for more...I just know it.

But knowing it, and proving it are two completely different things. Two things that are separated by one thin line called chance. Chance is what I need to take in order to move on to the next step. The problem with chance is that its such a risk. How will it turn out? Will I fail? Will I look like a fool? or Will I succeed? Will I shift this world for something greater? As I sit here and blog this, I am experiencing goosebumps all over me, because I KNOW that what I am saying is true. The other problem I am facing is okay so I am called to do more...but what? What am I suppose to do. I love so many things, but I am not in love and super passionate about just one particular thing. I feel like a mess. I envy people, like my sister, that have it all figured out. She went to college, went to nursing school, graduated, is an RN, and now a mom, and pretty much seems to have it all figured out. I can't even decide where to apply after I receive my degree...much less imagine being a mom one day. I love kids and want kids, but I am not in a place where I can raise a child..I feel I have nothing to teach them yet.

Does any of this make since?

Am I sounding crazy? I promise I'm not...just a girl stuck in the body of a 23 year old with the mind of what seems to be a 18 year old senior in high school. UGH

Nevertheless, when I figure out what to do with my life, I will be great at it, and I will succeed. That I know to be an absolute fact.

You can bet on that folks.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Chapter

So, since I have been married I have successfully gained about 20 big ones, pounds, and this is NOT okay. I repeat: NOT OKAY!

So, I decided that now was the time to get my life on track once and for all!

I started Weight Watchers Point Plus meetings on Tuesday, and today is obviously Friday and so far, so good.

I feel like I'm in control. It's weird, because I felt like before that I just ate to eat, no rhyme to reason, just food for comfort, and that's about it. Now I am slowly teaching myself to eat more filling foods, and healthy foods, cooking more food instead of just popping it in the microwave. Overall these past three day's have been easy, surprisingly.

Now tonight is date night with the most wonderful man I know, my hubby, so the search is on for ww friendly restaurants!

Keep checking back in to see how my progress is going.

Starting weight: 178.2
Points Plus Per Day: 29

5% goal weight:169
Overall goal weight:135 or less :)

bye y'all wish me luck!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Good Ole' Summer Time


This summer has flown by, probably becasue I've been to church camps, and been doing tons of homework, but never the less, its flown.

Last Sunday, was JW and my first anniversary as a married couple. We had a relaxing time during our visit in Hot Springs, at 1890 Williams Bed and Breakfast. If you ever need to just get away and have a relaxing time, Williams is the place for you and your honey.

This weekend, I decided to come down to my daddy's house in Harrison, to spend some time with him, my step-mom, and sister, and babies. It been nice so far, I've missed being able to see them a lot, especially now that I have two new nephews.

Well...I'm not sure why, but I'm sleepy so I'm going to curl up with my sweet baby boy, (bentley), and take a nap.

Bye yall!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Been a long time!!

Wow, it's been forever since I wrote on here. Sorry about that, but to keep you up to date, My nephew Graham was born on Mothers Day May 8th at 1:15pm, he weighted 7lbs 11oz and was 21 inches long! :) He is precious!! Here are some pictures of that sweet boy....
My beautifully amazing sister and baby Graham

In his going home outfit!

In his car seat for the first time

He loves me!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

little sad.

Around this time last year God blessed my life incredibly by allowing me to move into a live with the sweetest married couple in the world, Dr. and Mrs. Guynes.  Mrs. Guynes passed away this past Saturday, and she is now with the Lord. I know she is in a much better place but she is going to be missed very much by a lot of people. Please keep the Guynes family in your prayers. I can not even begin to describe how much they mean to me. Father, I pray that you will touch Dr. Guynes, his daughters, and son, and grandchildren, father touch them Lord, and heal their hearts, Bless them during this time of incredible loss. Encourage them to leave a legacy like she has left. I love you and I praise you, Amen.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Shout Out To My BFF

So I wanted to blog really quick and give a shout out to my best friend forever, for life, to infinity and beyond, always, and all that good stuff!! Anyway, her name is Brittani Toole, and she is graduating for SAGU a week from to day and I am so proud of her!!

I love you bee tee!! You mean the world to me and I am one blessed girl to have you apart of my life!! I can't tell you how much you mean to me, and you will never know how much I truly love and care for you!!

Here are some of her beautiful pictures taken by Vanessa Tellez she is an incredible photographer and if you are in the Dallas area you should look her up "fo sho"!! (you will love her!)

My best friend is beautiful...I know!! Love her!!

LOVE!! I love you sis...congratz...see you in a couple of days!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nothing More, Nothing Less

I start off my days by waking up, reading the word of God, and then eating breakfast, and either I go straight to work out, or I sit and watch the morning talk shows like, Good Morning America, Rachel Ray, Nate Berkus, and The View. This particular morning I decided to watch TV then go spend some time on the elliptical. As you know, The View

 is a talk show with some lovely ladies telling their "view" on today's hot topics. One of the "Hot Topics" today had to do with a new version of the Bible being written and printed, and in this new version, instead of saying the virgin Mary, they are saying a young girl named Mary. I understand why people are changing the literature, and putting it in more simple ways to understand, but how far is to far.

Does the words "a young girl named Mary" tell the truth about how our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was brought into this world, or does it distort the truth behind the Gospel Message?

Truth is, Christ was born from a humble VIRGIN vessel. I believe strongly that Jesus was not birthed by a rich and powerful women that could have draped him in gold and silver and the worlds finest linens, because God desired to show us how humble his entrance was, and how his life on earth was to never be seen as a "show".

Jesus was sent to this world to A. Be born of a virgin, B. To live an ordinary life, facing the same things everyone else at His time had to face, and not choosing sin, C. To pay the ultimate costs for our sins, by being crucified on the cross, D. To be risen from the dead on the third day.

Christ was sent to this world with one thing in mind....YOU. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you would have been the only one....Jesus Christ would have still died for you.
I hope and pray everyone has a Blessed Easter. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Egg....Nope guess again!

So my amazing sister, Haley, is having her first child in about 2 weeks, and I couldn't be happier. I can not wait to meet little Graham Jacob Pool. I just know he is going to be the cutest little boy in all the world!

Today, is also my sister and her husband, Jake's 2 year anniversary. So congrats also goes to them for that!! When I called to congratulate her she asked if I had received the text she had sent me, and I hadn't noticed that I had gotten one. Then I checked and there it was: This Picture

and I know what you are thinking, because I was thinking it too...what a pretty easter egg! Boy of Boy were we wrong...this is her BELLY!! OMG she has gotten soooo a beautiful, prego, cute kind of way, not a nasty, you need to lose some weight, kind of way. Because she is so cute I would like to award her with the                                   Cutest Pregnant Lady Ever!! 
(This Ribbon Makes The Award Official)

She's just my sister and big deal! No but for real, all joking aside, she is going to be the BEST mom ever, she has wanted kids since she was a kid, and Graham is going to be loved by some pretty incredible parents!

He is due on the 7th, but I have a feeling we will be meeting him on the 4th. :)  I don't know why I feel this, we can just call it auntie intuition. :) Anyway, be sure to stop back by to see some photos of my handsome nephew!!  Here is one of him we have now...
Don't you just wanna SQUEEZ him?!

Night Y'all

Busy, Busy, Busy

PHEW...It's been a busy day! Our church (Village West Family Church) is putting on an

If you live in there area you should come check it out! It's going to be TONS of fun! 3 prizes for every age group and 1 grand prize and over 7,000 eggs!! Now that's a lot of candy!!

Like I said though, I am super busy, so I gotta hop! Hope to see you there! Have a great day y'all!

Monday, April 18, 2011

I've Noticed

So I have noticed that I am a little different than most people my age.

For Example:
1. I love to go to bed early
2. I love to wake up early
3. My favorite thing to do on Saturday mornings is to go to the local farmers market, flea markets, and       garage sales
4. I enjoy just sitting on the porch and watching people and cars go by
5. I enjoy the simple things in life

Now, I have no idea if all this is because I am a country girl or if I am an old soul. However, recently I got the chance to go to the farmers market here in KC...easily the BEST farmer's market I have ever been too. If you are ever in the area, you have got to check it out.
Those cookies....simply amazing. They were from two sweet little old ladies booth.
This little boy was a mess, he and his brothers and sisters loved these rocks...their mom did not like that they were throwing them at each other, can't say that I blame her. 

Sweet little girl and her daddy.

These seasoning were simply tasty! We bought a few scoops, and were not disappointed. 

JW and I had a blast this day. Can't wait to go again. 

Be sure to take the time to enjoy the simple things God has blessed you with every day, sun rise, breath, etc. 

Hope you enjoyed today's blog.

Come back soon y'all. 

You're blessed when you're content with just who you are - no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought. - Matthew 5:5 (TM)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

motel can turn that light off.

So the hubs and I decided to head on down to Texas with his mom and sister today. We brought her down to spend time with her dad during her spring break because flight was stupid expensive for round trip.

We left good ole' KC after 4 and headed this way. Sophia, JW's mom, started driving but switched with JW after about a hour and a half, the JW drove for about 3 or 4 hours, then I drove when he got sleepy.

While I was driving on the Indian "whatever turn pike" we started to see this forest fire off to our right so I slowed down, naturally because I wanted to look at it, well, as soon as I slowed down I came up over this hill and had to dash over to the right lane because then all I saw was smoke and an ambulance.

After going from 80 mph to like 40 in a matter of seconds we zoomed by the scene. It was so bad. There was, what looked like, a body bag on a stretcher, hopefully it was just a person who is okay, and a large SUV turned on its side with people standing around it. It was awful. Worst wreck I've seen in real like since my own my senior year of high school. I hope and pray everyone is okay.

So we finally make it to Commerce, TX to drop Steph off at her dads. After we left Williams house we headed to Greenville to try and find a cheaper place to stay. Well, notice I said tried. We saw this huge sign that said 36.99 at the motel 6. I had stayed at a motel 6 when I was younger and didn't remember it being gross.

Lots has happened to roachtel six, since when I was a kid. We walked in, pulled back the covers and immediately went and asked for our money back. Saving money is worth a try. Right?

So we now settled in at the Best Western here in Greenville. ONE HUNDRED FOLD better than roachtel six. Really, Really nice actually. Now time to wind down from the massive cup of coffee I drank. Night all.

Motel 6...they'll leave the light on for you, but it looks better in the dark.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Lots has happened recently.

We are loving be the youth pastors at our church here in KC. We have some incredible students. I however need to let everyone in on a little secret. Being a youth pastor is not all fun.

No one ever tells you about the hard parts. Like, crying yourself to sleep because you feel like some of your students might not make it to heaven, and it could be your fault, not being able to sleep because of you found out one of your students has been talking about killing them self, or about just feeling like a failure because no matter what you do, you feel like no ones relationship with God has grown since you have been the pastor.

If anyone ever asks me about being a youth pastor, I plan to tell them to bad and the good.

Not all has been bad, over all this chapter in our life has been amazing. We have had an atheist pray and ask Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and now they are bringing their friends to church. We have seen students prayers answered, and have seen broken families begin to be bandaged back together.

So not all is bad... :)

I just happen to be in a debby downer mood. Just feeling a little defeated tonight. Not sure if its because it 12:20 am and I am not thinking straight or if its the froyo I ate before bed.

Either way,

I reminded myself to night that we have Pastors that stand beside us and support us, and a God that goes before us. It took me talking to and crying with an old friend to realize that.

Overall, God is a good God and He is always there!

Night everyone, ttysoon