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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fast Track to Skinny Cavewoman

I mentioned a few weeks back that my husband, JW, and I were going primal, and primal we have gone.

The first two weeks were so hard, the headaches, hunger growls, and groggy moods didn't help out much either. But slowly the headaches went away, the hunger growls silenced, and our mood went from groggy to energized.

I weighed myself the first day of the diet and weighed 189lbs, I weighed myself last thursday and weighed 166lbs! WOWZER. (for those who are trying to subtract this on your calculator right I had to...its 23lbs lost)

Goodbye 23lbs of useless have over stayed your welcome, and you are not welcome back, nor invited on our anniversary cruise in June.

To be honest, when I saw the scale said 166 I made a mad face, because I was in total disbelief. So what did I do? I called my sister of course. I wanted to get her RN expertise to see if this 23lbs lost in three weeks was possible, and much to my excitement she said it was.

A smile was what I was wearing the rest of that day...along with clothes of course.

As of today, I am eating primal for 4 weeks strong, and enjoying that one day off a week.

I'm a dreamer, and my dream is to be a size 8, but I wouldn't be upset with a 7, 6, or 5 either of course. My realistic goal is to be a size 8 by Cruise time. So far my clothes are fitting better, but I am still 15lbs heavier than what I use to be in 2009/2010 so when all my clothes fit better, or even get to big, I'll be on the Fast Tract to Skinny Cavewoman, or possibly The Incredible Shrinking Woman...who knows?

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