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Thursday, January 5, 2012

We Went Primal

New years has come and gone, but my resolution to lose 50lbs as not. I am still on the route to lose this extra, unwanted fat. I currently weigh 180lbs, but I would LOVE to weigh 130lbs. I honestly just wish I could be a size 8. What a dream it would be to be down in a single size. So a college friend of mine went on the Paleo diet a few months back and lost 70lbs. So I HAD to ask her her secrets, ands he graciously wrote me an e-mail full of the diet/life style changes, and do's and don'ts, and tons more information.

The paleo diet is pretty much anything but, processed foods, beans, sweets, carbs.... There are a lot of things you can't have, but there are tons of healthy things you can have. So far I have been eating a lot of eggs, fruits, veggies, and lean thinking about it...thats all you can have. So, so far, so good.

I actually found out last night you can have DARK CHOCOLATE! It has to be at least 70% cocoa, but you can have a little bit each day for a sweet. It has pretty much been heaven to me. (as you can read, I get pretty excited for sweets)

So feel free to follow my blog, and watch mine and my husbands transformation. I'll post photos along the way. Hope you enjoy!

Here's a photo of my mom and me a few weeks back at my college graduation. My face looks extra thick in this. Can't wait to see it slim down, along with other things. 

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